Histon Football Club supports Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Histon Football Club supports Arthur Rank Hospice Charity


Raised so far

  • About

Thank you Histon Football Club, team, and fans for helping Arthur Rank Hospice Charity make every moment count in Cambridgeshire.

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity supports people in Cambridgeshire living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition and those who need end-of-life care. Our ‘Outstanding’ services are provided free of charge to patients and their families. Our aim being to provide the highest quality care, helping people to make every moment count.

Around 3,600 patients each year are cared for at the Hospice in Cambridge, the Alan Hudson Centre in Wisbech and in patients’ own homes via the Arthur Rank Community Team. This care supports people to improve their quality of life and fulfil their end of their life choices. 

It will cost over £13 million to run our services in 2024/2025. Contracted services from the NHS are budgeted at £7.9 million. With the help of our community, we need to raise a further £5.1 million through donations, fundraising activities, retail sales, the Education and Conference Centre and Bistro. If we fail to meet this target the difference will, reluctantly, have to be taken from our limited reserves. Sustaining services for people in our community is our focus and therefore we are extremely grateful to everyone who demonstrates their dedication, commitment and generosity and helps protect our reserves for the future.

What your donation could fund*: 

£4.28 - A relaxing hand massage for a patient

£12 - An overnight stay in one of our family apartments for a loved one 

£20 - Web based gentle movements session for Living Well patients

£30 - A counselling session for a patient or their loved ones

*figures from year 2022/23

For further information, please visit arhc.org.uk